Sunday, 24 July 2011

In the end...

If there's one thing I've learnt from these past year, it is that I can truly believe in the statement
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Summertime daydreams

How amazing would it be...

Where the magic happens...

A few photos of my bedroom, will put some up of my dresses as soon as they're looking OK!

(all photos (c) me)

My heart's all a-flutter

How cute is this dress?


Something about the summer air makes me crave cute white, monochrome and nude dresses, in simple shapes. These are a few of my favourites. I've also been inspired to make some of my own dresses, photos to follow shortly.

I'm also obsessing over lace and delicate, yet fierce, details such as these:

Nelly II

I don't know what it is about elephants but I just adore them...

Don't call it a comeback...

After a long exam-filled break I am thrilled to have time to post again! And the best part about it all... it's finally summer and London is enjoying some long awaited sunshine.